A Prayer for the New Year
by Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
A new year has finally come to the world again.
At the beginning of the new year, I will look upon
Everything in the past as a yesterday that has passed away,
Everything in the future as a today that is newly born.
I would like to express my wishes.
At the beginning of this new year, I wish for:
Harmony in the family and happiness at home;
Contentment in life and good acts to help the world;
Stability in emotions and dignity in character;
The elimination of bad habits and advances inmoral cultivation;
Determination in actions and compassion in relationships;
Contentment in career and health in body and mind;
Improvement in cultivation and increase in wisdom;
Abundance in Buddhism and emancipation for all beings;
Steadfastness in society and happiness in people;
Peace on earth and universal rejoicing.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
In the new year please grant:
That every word I say may be compassionate, kind, and encouraging;
That everything I do may be acceptable to most people and beneficial
to the masses;
That every intention I have may be a blessing to others and a
transfer of merits to them;
That every action I take may be beneficial to the nation and of
assistance to the world;
That I may be willing to contribute my own body and mind to society;
That I may be willing to share everything I own with others.
I pray to you, Buddha,
Please bless and support me with your compassion;
Allow me to share in the suffering of others;
Allow me to promote the well-being of society.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
Promoting Dharma is my domestic duty,
Benefiting all living beings is my professional responsibility.
I vow to support Buddhist institutions that cultivate potential;
I vow to disseminate Buddhist sutras and books
That benefit the world and help people;
I vow to participate in the activities of temples
And spare no effort to practice Dharma;
With determination.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
Please give me strength,
Allow me to progress on the way to enlightenment wholeheartedly
Without idleness and without regret.
Please give me faith;
Allow me to surmount the barriers of delusion on the way to
And to benefit both self and others.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
A new spirit infuses the new year;
Allow me to start everything anew!
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
Allow me to start everything anew!