8/2 (周五/SUN)


Great Compassion Repentance Service

7:30pm, 周五 / Friday

地點: 大雄寶殿 / 直播
Location: Main Shrine / Livestream

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8/4 (周日/SUN) ~ 8/11 (周日/SUN)


2024 Emperor Liang Repentance Service of Filial Piety

地點: 大雄寶殿 / 直播
Location: Main Shrine / Livestream

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8/11 (周日/SUN)


Emperor Liang Repentance Service of Filial Piety and Gratitude - Final Memorial Dedication

9:30am, 周日 / Sunday

地點: 大雄寶殿 / 直播
Location: Main Shrine / Livestream

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8/11 (周日/SUN)


Yogacara Offering Service

2:00pm, 周日 / Sunday

地點: 大雄寶殿
Location: Main Shrine

更多資訊 >>         Details >>

8/18 (周日/SUN)


Light-Offering Dharma Service

10:00am, 周日 (農曆七月十五) / Sunday

地點: 大雄寶殿 / 直播
Location: Main Shrine / Livestream

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8/25 (周日/SUN)


Fo Guang Shan Founding Master—Ven. Master Hsing Yun's Birthday

周日 / Sunday

地點: 西來寺
Location: Hsi Lai Temple

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8/25 (周日/SUN)


BLYSO Audition

周日 / Sunday

地點: 西來寺
Location: Hsi Lai Temple

Details >>

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