
North America Sangha Day Celebration: 1,200 Attendees Join in Cultivating Merit

In line with the teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Monastery, Lunar July—traditionally known as “Ghost Month”—has been reinterpreted as a time to honor ancestors and practice filial piety, now known as the “Month of Filial Piety.” It’s also recognized as “Sangha Month,” focused on chanting and cultivating wisdom, and the “Month of Merit,” dedicated to making offerings and accumulating virtue. On July 21, 2024, various chapters of the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) across North America gathered at Hsi Lai Temple for a grand Sangha Day Celebration. The event featured 93 venerables and 24 novice monks, with around 1,200 attendees taking part.

In his address, Alex Wu, President of the BLIA Los Angeles Chapter (BLIA LA), emphasized that the Ullambana offering ceremony is intended to support all legitimate temples and monastics in Southern California. He encouraged local Buddhists to show their sincere devotion and respect for the Triple Gem, regardless of sect or nationality, and expressed his hope that everyone would gain both blessings and wisdom.

Delicious Offerings and Performances for the Sangha

The ceremony kicked off with a lively display of drums and gongs as guiding venerables led eight representatives to welcome the venerables to their seats. Alex Wu and other BLIA executives presented offerings of fruits and other provisions to the monastics. Various BLIA LA subchapters provided an array of delectable treats, while the Hsi Lai Scouts presented beautifully wrapped gift boxes. Attendees shared vegetarian meals in the Main Shrine, Auditorium, and Conference Room.

The event also featured a wide range of performances in honor of the monastics. Highlights included a Dunhuang dance by the Hsi Lai School, a choral rendition of Master’s Song by the BLIA Youth Division LA II, and Buddhist hymns performed by students from Taiwan’s Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University. Other performances included martial arts by the Hsi Lai Scouts, another Dunhuang dance by the BLIA San Diego Chapter, a solo singing performance by young artist Yu Lin, and a choral rendition of Song of Fo Guang Shan by the Hsi Lai Temple Buddha’s Light Choir. Each performance was met with enthusiastic applause from the audience.

During his Dharma talk, Venerable Hui Lun, Deputy Abbot of Fo Guang Shan Monastery, emphasized the vital role of the Sangha in sustaining the Dharma. He explained that the Dharma can only endure as long as the Sangha thrives, providing examples of how, without venerables to explain the scriptures, people might struggle to understand and could become discouraged.

Venerable Hui Lun also encouraged everyone to follow Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s teaching: “It is better to be like Avalokitesvara than merely to worship Avalokitesvara,” which embodies the Buddhist principles of self-reliance, reliance on the Dharma, and non-reliance on others.

Cultivating Merit through Alms and Community Engagement

After the offering ceremony, the venerables and novice monks participated in an alms procession. Attendees of all ages lined the east and west corridors, creating a lively and joyful atmosphere as they exchanged auspicious greetings with the venerables. This interaction was a highlight of the ceremony.

Hanzhong Feng from the BLIA Chicago Chapter shared his joy at attending both the Short-Term Monastic Retreat and the Sangha Day Celebration for the second time. He hopes to inspire other members who couldn’t attend this year to participate in future ceremonies.

(Photos by Chihcheng Chang)