
BSA Troop 783 Visits Hsi Lai Temple for Interfaith Cultural Exchange

On May 5, 27 members, including scouts and parents from BSA Troop 783 of Rolling Hills Estates, Los Angeles, visited Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple. They joined about 20 scouts from Fo Guang Hsi Lai Scout Troop (BSA Troop 8888) for a Sangha Class, taught by Venerable Hui Ze at the temple's Conference Hall. The scouts and parents from BSA Troop 783 expressed their gratitude to Hsi Lai Temple for providing this unforgettable interfaith cultural exchange, which they felt purified their minds.

Yungcheng Chung, the representative of the Hsi Lai Temple Scouts, accompanied the visitors, introducing various educational programs. He expressed hopes for future collaborations with BSA Troop 783 to hold more inter-troop exchange activities. Troop 783 leader Mr. Craig Huss noted the significant impact of the event, emphasizing that both scout troops share the goal of nurturing individuals of high moral character.

In the Courtyard, Venerable Hui Ze guided the scouts through the architectural features of Hsi Lai Temple, explaining its design based on ancient Chinese palaces. He highlighted the intricate details and robust structural principles, reflecting Chinese artistry and ancient wisdom. Addressing the scouts' questions along the way, Venerable Hui Ze discussed the purpose of worshiping Buddha as a way to reflect inwardly and learn from the compassion and wisdom of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. He also elaborated on the Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha's vow, "Hell is not empty; I vow not to become a Buddha." Under the Bodhi tree, he explained the design of Hsi Lai Temple's layout using a Bodhi leaf.

During the Sangha Class, Venerable Hui Ze introduced the Ullambana Festival's origin and the significance of offerings to the Sangha. He explained Buddha Day, Dharma Day, and Sangha Day by referring to the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and the monastic community's summer retreat. He emphasized that Buddhist offerings focus on equality and compassion. Since Buddhism's transmission from India to China, offerings have evolved to include not only material sustenance but also the spirit of equality, generosity, and compassion. He stressed that during offerings, one should not harbor discriminatory thoughts, and the received offerings should be used to promote Dharma and benefit society.

Steven Mueller, a parent from BSA Troop 783, shared that he learned a lot and praised the importance of meditation. He was particularly interested in the concept of "walking meditation" introduced by Venerable Hui Ze and agreed that Buddhist practices should be integrated into daily life.

Elijah Peterson, a scout, and his father, David Peterson, visited a Buddhist temple for the first time and were fascinated by the Buddhist artifacts displayed in the Hsi Lai Temple Art Gallery and the outdoor statues. They appreciated this unique opportunity. Scout's parent Hanying Wei also expressed gratitude for the event, which allowed him to revisit Hsi Lai Temple after 20 years. He hopes his son, Leo Jiang, will participate in more activities related to Buddhist culture in the future.

(Photos Provided by Yanjing Chu and BSA Troop 783)