
Environmental and Spiritual Preservation in Tandem: Every Day is Earth Day in Los Angeles County

The "Every Day is Earth Day" event was held at William Steinmetz Park in Hacienda Heights, Los Angeles County on May 4, 2024. The event was organized by the Office of the First District of Los Angeles County and the Department of Parks and Recreation, with support from Valley Vista Services (VVS), Hsi Lai Temple, the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) Los Angeles Chapter, and various other organizations. Around 250 individuals participated in activities promoting tree planting, conservation, the Vege A Project, and mental well-being.

Brian Ceballos, Assistant Regional Recreation Director of the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation, delivers opening remarks, expressing gratitude for the support of the First District Supervisor Hilda L. Solis, and the participation of all organizations.

Fo Guang Shan Monastery Head Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Bau commends the efforts of BLIA members in caring for the Earth, emphasizing vegetarianism as the primary environmental protection measure. He also highlights "Spiritual Preservation" inspired by the teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, wishing for a reduction in inner turmoil and mental peace for all. Venerable Hui Dong, the abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, expresses confidence in a more beautiful and peaceful Earth through collaboration between BLIA members and community organizations advocating for Earth Day.

Following their speeches, Brian Ceballos, Most Venerable Hsin Bau, and Venerable Hui Dong planted camphor trees donated by Hsi Lai Temple. At the same time, attendees captured the moment with cameras and videos, generating applause.

At the Resources Fair, Valley Vista Services and the Los Angeles County Public Works Department promoted the 7R environmental concept, waste sorting, organic composting, and recycling. They demonstrated the consequences of littering, which not only affects humans but also marine life. The Department of Parks and Recreation's Natural Areas Unit introduced wildlife and insect conservation. Additionally, there were areas for children to learn about planting and caring for flowers, fruits, and vegetables, as well as a "Smoothie" area where children could enjoy nutritious fruit and vegetable smoothies after learning about their benefits. Throughout the event, there were intermittent raffle draws and laughter.

Hsi Lai Temple engaged with attendees through the "Buddhism in Every Step" English book series, promoting mindfulness and compassion with phrases such as "Respect and Inclusion," "Achievement through Harmony," and "Altruism in the Heart" in the mindful coloring activities. The Three Acts of Goodness Word Game encouraged parent-child cooperation in identifying words like "Hope," "Care," and "Sharing," attracting participation from attendees. Additionally, the Hsi Lai Girl Scouts recycled milk cartons to make succulent plant pots and distributed mosquito-repelling plants to attendees.

The BLIA Riverside Subchapter collaborated with Lucky Farms Inc. to provide nearly 1,100 pounds of organic fruits and vegetables, which were quickly claimed. Members of the various subchapters jointly promoted the "Vege A Project," urging people to eat less meat and more vegetables to reduce carbon emissions and protect the Earth, gathering 113 signatures. The Hsi Lai Subchapter's Sasha De Nijs led outdoor yoga sessions, allowing participants to connect with nature.

(Photographed by Jingjing Wang)