
Children of TAG School in Hsi Lai Temple Search for Dharma Treasures, Combining Education with Joyful Exploration

On March 31, students from TAG School at Fo Guang San Hsi Lai Temple gathered on the basketball court of the Hsi Lai Center for their annual Dharma Treasure Hunt event. Guided by Guiding Venerable - Venerable Hui Cheng and their class teachers, the children embarked on a quest to find external dharma treasures, aiming to uncover the true joy within their hearts.

The children were divided into different groups based on their age, each tasked with finding plastic eggs hidden around the area and bringing them back to their respective classrooms. Older students extracted materials from the eggs needed to fold origami cranes, helping each other master the art of paper folding.

Meanwhile, younger students retrieved puzzle pieces hidden within the eggs. Once assembled, these pieces formed part of a larger puzzle depicting Venerable Master Hsing Yun, which they then added to a mural on the wall. Other tasks included completing images of the Four Great Bodhisattvas. For those facing difficulties, assistant teachers worked alongside them, fostering a sense of shared achievement throughout this challenging yet rewarding process.

Meanwhile, younger students retrieved puzzle pieces hidden within the eggs. Once assembled, these pieces formed part of a larger puzzle depicting Venerable Master Hsing Yun, which they then added to a mural on the wall. Other tasks included completing images of the Four Great Bodhisattvas. For those facing difficulties, assistant teachers worked alongside them, fostering a sense of shared achievement throughout this challenging yet rewarding process.

(Photos by Jonathan Thang)