
Buddha's Light Hsi Lai School Celebrating Lunar New Year with Joy and Harmony

Buddha's Light Hsi Lai School celebrated the Lunar New Year on February 3, 2024. Principal Ven. Hui Dong, Executive Director Ven. Man Zhao, and nearly 400 students, parents, and volunteers gathered at Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple. With the theme "May You Be Free as Cloud and Water, Auspicious and Joyful," the event included the chanting of the Heart Sutra, student performances, recognition of outstanding students, and cultural activities.

Principal Ven. Hui Dong led the recitation of the Heart Sutra and read “A Prayer for the Offering of Light” by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. He encouraged everyone to light their inner lamps and practice the virtues of "Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings" to illuminate each other's hearts with benevolent thoughts.

Ven. Hui Dong distributed red envelopes containing the Dharma teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun and Buddhist prayer beads to the students, who received them with gratitude and reverence. Executive Director Ven. Man Zhao praised the students' respectful behavior.

The Southern Wind Lion Dance opened the performances with dynamic dragon and lion dances accompanied by thunderous drums. Students Ziwen Wang and Meiwen Wang danced to the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu's "Ode to Beautiful Ladies." The Buddha’s Light Children Choir, established in June 2023, performed "Children Lighting Lamps" and "I See The Light," blessing the audience with harmony and peace. After-school program students performed "Long Long New Year," wishing everyone a prosperous and joyful Year of the Dragon.

Twenty-one students from Buddha's Light Hsi Lai School participated in the Southern California Council of Chinese Schools (SCCCS) fall academic competition, with thirteen students achieving top three rankings and honorable mentions. Eight students also competed in the 6th International Children's Environmental Conservation Painting Competition, earning third prizes and honorable mentions. These outstanding students received continuous applause from the audience.

Cultural booths featuring spring couplets calligraphy, dragon crafts, zodiac ornaments DIY, and rubbings were set up for games and New Year celebrations, organized by teachers and Bodhi students (youth volunteers who had previously studied at Hsi Lai School). Visitors to the temple also joined in the festivities, contributing to the lively atmosphere.

(Photos by Chihcheng Chang)