Online Event: 11/26 10am
Celebration of the 32nd anniversary of Hsi Lai Temple

Happy "Hsi Lai Day!"

Celebration of the 32nd anniversary of Hsi Lai Temple

Words form Abbot Hui Dong

Greetings Dharma friends and BLIA members:
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy anniversary of Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple.
32 years ago, Venerable Master Hsing Yun announced inauguration of Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple. We are grateful and appreciate all Dharma friends and BLIA members for their supports in the past 32 years. And during these 32 years, Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple has become one of the greatest Buddhist temples in the world. And our Dharma friends and BLIA members have grown together with Hsi Lai Temple with wisdom and compassion in their mind.

The year of 2020 is full of challenges. There is a pandemic. There is our worst conflicts. However, as long as we continue to cultivate wisdom and compassion in our mind, we will be able to have happiness and peace in our life.

We wish Buddhas and bodhisattvas continue to bless all Dharma friends and BLIA members for having good health and happiness in their life. And we wish peace and auspiciousness in the world.

Online Event: 11/26 10am
Celebration of the 32nd anniversary of Hsi Lai Temple

Looking Back at 32 Years of Hsi Lai Temple

Past and Present Abbots and Abbesses

Venerable Tzu Chuang

Most Venerable Hsin Ting

Venerable Yikong

Venerable Tzu Jung

Venerable Huichuan

Venerable Yiheng

Most Venerable Hsin Bau

Venerable Hui Dong

12/26/1988: Venerable Master presides over Hsi Lai Temple’s opening ceremony.


12/26/1988: Rep. Martinez presents a flag to the temple at the opening ceremony.


12/26/2018: Sen. Bob Archuleta presents a flag at the 30th anniversary celebration.

11/26/1988: First “The Water and Land Dharma Service”.

12/9/1988: First The International Triple Platform Ordination Ceremony.

1/5/1989: Venerable Master accepts an invitation to bless the CA State Assembly.

Establishing Buddha’s Light Hsi Lai School.

Opening ceremony for University of the West.

3/31/1991: Establishing Buddha’s Light International Association.

Establishing the Buddha’s Light Choir.

Establishing the Youth Symphony Orchestra.


11/2002: Receiving a key to the City of Whittier as a symbol of eternal welcome.


9/18/2013: The County of LA presents a certificate of appreciation to Hsi Lai Temple.



California Secretary of State March Fong Eu presents a certificate of appreciation on the day of founding Buddha’s Light International Association.



Groundbreaking for Rose Hills Buddhist Memorial Columbarium.



Establishing scout troop 8888.



Buddha’s Light Publications participates in the American Book Fair.



Hsi Lai Temple is included in the BBC’s documentary Seven Wonders of the Buddhist World.



Hsi Lai Temple hosts the Chinese Taipei delegation for the Special Olympics.

11/23/2014: 3,500 people participate in the Sutra Transcription for Thankfulness event.

7/11/2017: Over 500 young adults from 26 countries come to attend the Buddha’s Light Young Adult Executive Conference.

5/23/2015: The Buddha’s Birthday Education Project recreates a chariot from the Later Zhao period.